The ARC 可及性服务 Office has been designated with the responsibility of processing requests for accommodations and ensuring that appropriate accommodations are provided. 然而,学校有责任为残疾学生提供便利. ARC为与残疾学生一起工作的教职员工提供资源. ARC主任和ARC工作人员可以回答问题, 就问题情况进行咨询, 提供信息, 以及为学生提供食宿方面的支持. 通过共同努力, we can ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects during their time here at Concordia.



三项重要的立法与提供学术住宿有关, adjustments and services for students with disabilities at the university setting are: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 《正规赌博十大网站》(ADAAA).


在美国,其他有资格的残疾人……不得, 完全是基于残疾, 被拒绝进入, 或者是, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity provided by any institution receiving federal financial assistance. 有关1973年《正规赌博十大网站》E部分的更详细描述,请参阅美国《正规赌博十大网站》.S. 教育部网站.

2008年《正规赌博十大网站》(ADAAA)明确了《正规赌博十大网站》中“残疾”的定义. 在下列情况下,一个人会被视为残疾:

  • 有身体或精神障碍,严重限制了一项或多项主要生活活动. 主要的生命活动包括, 但并不局限于自我照顾, 手工任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习与工作.
  • 是否有实质性限制条件的记录.
  • 被认为是有限的.

有关《正规赌博十大网站》第二章的更详细描述,请参阅以下美国法律.S. 教育部网站.

随着1990年美国残疾人法的通过, 1973年《正规赌博十大网站》第504条扩大到包括任何公共或私人机构. Subpart E of the Rehabilitation Act requires an institution to be prepared to make reasonable academic adjustments and accommodations to allow students with disabilities full participation in the same programs and activities available to students without disabilities. ADAAA进一步澄清和加强了这些法规. 与大学环境有关, a qualified person with a disability is one who meets the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the institution’s educational programs or activities.


家庭教育权和隐私权法案(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. 这项法律适用于所有接受美国联邦教育资助计划资助的学校.S. 教育部. FERPA赋予父母关于子女教育记录的某些权利. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. 适用于就读专上院校的残疾学生, FERPA ensures the confidentiality of the student’s documentation and limits access to appropriate University personnel.


学生可能不知道通过ARC提供的无障碍服务, 或者有些学生甚至没有意识到他们有残疾. 教师 and staff can use this as an opportunity to refer and inform the student about the ARC and the services available for students.

教师应突出ARC的服务 & 在审查他们的残疾课程大纲时提供支持. This helps to inform students of the process for requesting accommodations and those accommodations are coordinated through the ARC. It can also be helpful to read the disability statement aloud or reference the services available through the ARC for students with disabilities at the beginning of each semester.


“Any student who feels he/she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the ARC 可及性服务 Office to self-disclose and officially request accommodations. 虽然学生可以在任何时候注册服务, please attempt to make arrangements within the first two weeks of the semester as it does take time to process the request and notify faculty of approved accommodations.”

在学生被批准合理住宿后, ARC无障碍服务办公室将信息传达给该学生的每位教职员工. ARC只提供学生的姓名和具体住宿. 与学生残疾有关的信息、文件等. 是保密的.

一旦批准合理住宿, 学生有责任申请他们每学期想要使用的具体课程住宿. 住宿条件可能因课程和学期而异, 取决于他们的残疾造成的障碍.

It is the responsibility of faculty to ensure that a Testing Agreement is completed for each course exam taken in the ARC. This form allows the ARC Test Center Coordinator to know specific information related to the proctoring of the test, 例如密码信息, 考试开始的时间, 这门课的考试时间长度, 特殊指令, 等.


A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a condition that would otherwise cause a student, 因为残疾, to be at a disadvantage relative to non-disabled students in their access to the university’s programs for students. Reasonable accommodations provide equitable access to programs or facilities and do not fundamentally alter the essential nature of a course or academic program. 为了使通融是合理的,它也必须不会造成不适当的财务或危及自身的安全, 或其他.

Accommodations are never designed to substantially alter the curriculum or eliminate the student from meeting the academic or technical standards.


Documentation of the student’s disability and recommendations made by the diagnosing professional are reviewed during an interactive process by the ARC 可及性服务 Office.

互动吸收过程遵循一系列指导性问题. ARC无障碍服务办公室不会诊断或建议学生有残疾. 对话以要求学生识别和解释他们的残疾开始. The conversation (interactive intake process) involves a series of questions led by the ARC Director of 可及性服务, :

  1. 帮助确定学生的残疾如何成为他们接受教育的障碍
  2. 他们在过去的学习中是如何挣扎的
  3. 他们过去的住宿是最有帮助的

住宿是根据个人情况而定的,而不是根据残疾标签. 在一些罕见的情况下, the program director/dept chair may be asked if an accommodation is reasonable given the technical standards of the academic program.

同样残疾的人的需求各不相同, 因此, 建议仅代表课堂适应的一般指导方针. It is important to remember that a student may have multiple disabilities that have to be taken into consideration. 有些学生在与学生交谈时可能有不明显的残疾. 因此, 请不要以为,因为你不能观察到一个人有残疾的明显迹象, 学生没有残疾. When a student has been determined eligible to receive accommodations means that they have submitted documentation or information and are officially registered with the University as having a disability.

在一定的条件下, 比如灵活出勤, 安排适当的调整涉及到教授和学生之间的共同责任. In this instance the student with the disability is responsible for bringing their individual needs to the attention of the instructor once the faculty notification has been sent out; however, 学生们可能会对提出特殊要求犹豫不决. It is suggested that early in the semester instructors make a general announcement or direct students to information on accessibility services located in the course syllabus.


学生必须遵守学校的学术政策和规章制度 行为准则 在康考迪亚目录和学生手册中概述. Any suspected cheating or use of unauthorized resources will be documented by the Testing Center staff and reported to the appropriate faculty member. Non-audio security cameras and a proctor monitor the Testing Center in order to ensure test security and fairness. 点击这里查看我们的测试中心政策.



学生 with a documented disability and approved testing accommodations would use the same process to request any make-up test. This initiates a faculty notification stating that the student will be using their testing accommodations for the make-up test in the ARC Testing Center.


学生必须遵守教授关于缺课通知的政策. 教师可以找到有关非残疾相关的补考程序的信息 测试协议在此完成.